Mary, Mystical Divine Mother


Mary in all her variety of names and mystical appearances fulfills us with nurturing love and compassion:  Our Lady, Mother Mary, Divine Mother, Queen of Peace, wants us to know she is present at all times.  Just as she loved her Divine child, Mary loves and blesses all God’s children and provides them with nurturing love and care.

Mary is the Queen of Angels, on August 15th she ascends to heavenly glory, and Angels praise her and carry out her loving and sacred energy to all those who need her motherly love.  I know that in current events  Mary and the Angels are lifting pure innocent souls in their loving wings, and enveloping all of us on Earth with love.

I  believe that as Earth Angels, we need to send the Angels light to others for healing.  We can always send light to anyone asking for the highest good of all.  Mother Mary’s loving compassion is usually in those sad moments loving and holding the innocent, but is also constantly around all of us who need support and divine guidance.

She reminds us of the ways the Divine Feminine,  that you are attune with, or identify with,  is calling each one of us, to open to our feelings of becoming bearers of peace in helping others by showing kindness and giving comfort, and shinning your light!

The message that I received from Mary is that all of us light workers,  she nurtures us and supports us to be strong and radiate that light and peace, the light heals and transforms, and strengthens even in the midst of chaos.

Mother Mary encourages us to respond to the glorious light beings that we are, to awaken to the true identity of who we are, a beloved child of God who is composed of love of Spirit, of God Divine presence.

Praying to God and and asking for the highest good of all is significant, remember to pray in unison for all who need light and love and healing.

Queen of Angels, pray for us each day, and shine upon us your divine grace, mostly during this month of August!  Amen.

Angel blessings to all.
