Ritual and Meditation of Light

The Angels inspired to practice this ritual for the New Year. You can do this on New Year’s eve, on New Year’s day, or a few days after. Remember that meditation can be done at anytime. Water has always been used in healing rituals and sacred ceremonies. Mystics throughout the ages have utilized the energetic properties of water. There are so many ways that water brings a sense of peace and calm into your life. Whether it’s a warm shower or just looking at the waves crashing onto the shore, its energetic essence clears and nurtures, and once you feel that connection with water it can nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Take a Shower - You can take a shower, and not only feel the running water upon you, but imagine the water cleansing and purifying all around you, clearing your physical and mental being. You can invite your Guardian Angel to help you remove and clear away the old beliefs and pains, loses, or resentments that no longer serve you. Imagine all the old wash away, and know that you are being cleared and protected by the Angel’s light. Take a deep breath and know that all is well.

Meditation - After you shower, you can light a white candle and meditate for a few minutes, 10 or 15 minutes. You can play meditation music if you like. Just breathing in and out, close your eyes and know that the angels are protecting, and you feel a sense of calmness. You see or you feel a golden light entering through the top of your head and extending all around your body. As the golden light of Divine consciousness surrounds you, you see or feel the Archangel Michael. He carries the healing sword that cuts away all negativity, whatever drains you, and know that Michael uses the power to transmute the energy to pure compassion and love.

You give thanks to the Archangel for removing all that is no longer of the highest good, bringing you vitality and wellbeing. You will see the gifts of joy, that the Angels and Archangel Michael is offering. A new beginning, a new healing, wondrous new creations in your life now. In faith and trust know that the Angels always support you.

Happy New Year of Light!


Linda Torres